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Ed Sheeran

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Ed Sheeran - Σελίδα 4 Empty Απ: Ed Sheeran

Δευ Νοε 06, 2023 1:33 pm
Ed Sheeran - Σελίδα 4 Img_1615
Θα κάνει δυο συναυλίες στην Κύπρο!
Όχι δε ζηλεύω καθόλου m1507

Αρέσει στον χρήστη oberlina

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Ed Sheeran - Σελίδα 4 Empty Απ: Ed Sheeran

Δευ Νοε 06, 2023 4:58 pm
Νομίζω ποτε κάποιος τόσο μεγάλος καλλιτέχνης δεν έχει πάει Κύπρο! Φοβερό
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Me & Despina
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Ed Sheeran - Σελίδα 4 Empty Απ: Ed Sheeran

Παρ Ιουν 07, 2024 7:45 pm
Ed Sheeran says he doesn’t believe artists who say they don’t care about success:

“I don’t believe any artist that says they don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t release music because you’d be like, ‘If I don’t care what people think, then why would I even put it out?’ You’d just sort of make the music and be like, ‘Well that’s made me feel good.’ All artists, we want to be loved. That’s why we are on stage. And that’s why you sign to a record company to go, ‘I would like people to hear the music that I’m making.’ I don’t really subscribe to this whole, like, not caring thing… that’s all a kind of ruse of cause it sounds cool to say but every artist wants people to like their music… It really pisses me off when people are like, ‘Oh I don’t care how it does.’ I’m like, ‘F**king shut up! You do! Everyone does.’ […] Anyone in the pop game definitely cares.”

Πες τα ρε Ed!
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